News > Winning the title of the best student branch in the IEEE Iran section


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Winning the title of the best student branch in the IEEE Iran section

In the 11th annual IEEE Iran Awards Ceremony, which was attended by Prof. Seifour Rahman, President of IEEE and Prof. Vahid Ahmadi, head of IEEE Iran section, Tarbiat Modares University was chosen by the jury out of more than 50 universities in the country as the best branch Iranian student in 2021. Bashir Falehgari (Branch President), Danesh Amani (Branch Vice President), Mohammad Ostovar (Branch Secretary), Mohammad Amin Ghasemi (Branch Treasurer) are members of the IEEE Branch Student Board of Tarbiat Modares University. Academics and interested parties can refer to for information about the programs and events of the IEEE branch of Tarbiat Modares University.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international professional, non-profit organization that aims to advance technology in general in the fields of electrical and computer engineering. It has more than 400,000 members in 160 countries. Iran Section was founded in 1970, more than 40 years ago by the later Dr Abbas Tchamran. Iran Section was the 13th Section to establish in region 8, and with membership of about 2500, it is in the top 10 sections of Region 8 in terms of membership size. Iran Section oversees operation of about 30 student branches, hosts of annual national conferences, events, meetings and workshops.

12:41 - 2022/01/26    /    number : 16577    /    Show Count : 3527
